Corporate Net-Zero Standard Version 2.0 Public Consultation

The SBTi has published everything you need to take part in the first public consultation of V2 of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard.

Project documentation

Expert Working Groups

The Expert Working Groups bring together subject-matter experts from across business, civil society and academia to provide in-depth input on key topics to support the revision of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard. They focus on five key themes that are critical to businesses setting effective, practical and ambitious targets:

  1. Scope 2: Addressing emissions from purchased or acquired electricity to ensure effective decarbonization.

  2. Scope 3: Target-setting approaches, strategies and interventions for addressing scope 3 emissions.

  3. Removals: Neutralization and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), particularly regarding removals targets.

  4. Ongoing emissions and BVCM: Addressing ongoing emissions in the transition to net-zero through Beyond Value Chain Mitigation (BVCM) activities, including the scale of action and allowable measures.

  5. Data quality, data assurance and claims: Data quality and assurance and substantiation of claims.