Air transport sector
CO2 emissions from commercial aircraft are on course to triple by 2050. To help mitigate this, the Aviation target-setting guidance supports aviation companies to set science-based targets, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the worst effects of climate change.
Guidance for the air transport sector
Why take action?
Regulators, investors and consumers are placing increasing pressure on the sector to take action on climate change. Science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions enable companies to demonstrate concrete sustainability commitments to increasingly-conscious consumers.
How to set a target
Based on best practices for science-based target-setting, our guidance outlines the extent and speed of the emissions reductions companies must make.
The Guidance and Target Setting Tool is for passenger and cargo airlines, as well as companies that use aviation services.
Become an aviation sustainability leader by setting a science-based target:
In addition to the aviation guidance, all businesses can use the SBTi Criteria Assessment Indicators (CAI) to understand the relevant criteria by sector or target type. The CAI consolidates all criteria across SBTi resources, providing businesses with verifiable control points to use when developing science-based targets. It also provides clear and concise descriptions of the minimum documentation required to demonstrate alignment with each criteria point.
Learn more
April: Project started.
December: WWF carried out a public consultation, enabling the aviation sector and other stakeholders to provide feedback on setting science-based targets.
January-February: WWF incorporated feedback from the Technical Working Group and broader stakeholder group that participated in the public consultation.
February: The guidance went into an internal review process led by the Science Based Target Steering Committee.
August: WWF and the SBTi team launched the first version of the guidance.
February: The SBTi released a new technical report detailing an interim pathway for aviation companies to set 1.5°C-aligned targets.
Contact the SBTi Transport Team at transport@sciencebasedtargets.org
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If your sector is not listed here, you can still set a science-based target using our methods and resources. Consult the step-by-step guide to get started.