Corporate Net-Zero Standard Version 2.0 Public Consultation

Draft Standard Chapter 6: SBTI Claims

Background and key concepts

In line with best practice for sustainability standards, this chapter introduces general guidelines on substantiating claims related to science-based target setting and SBTi validation. The aim is to enable companies to substantiate claims related to their climate target setting and target progress, and communicate about their efforts in a clear and credible way.

The initial set of claims proposed demonstrate conformance with the requirements set out in this standard at different assessment stages (e.g. Entry Check, Initial Validation, Renewal Validation). This draft standard will be supplemented with specific types of claims and substantiation guidelines, informed by the consultation process.


As part of the consultation process, the SBTi seeks stakeholder feedback on a set of additional claims designed for different stages of the target-setting process. This includes claims such as temperature-alignment, net zero-alignment, target progress, performance, target achievement and net-zero achievement. The consultation survey accompanying this standard includes questions on appropriate claims for individual entities, including the continued use of temperature-based claims. Emerging legislation regulating climate and environmental claims, such as the draft EU Green Claims Directive, increasingly prohibits overclaiming or greenwashing.

The SBTi seeks to align its claims with evolving regulatory frameworks while meeting the expectations of stakeholders. As such, any claims that the SBTi enables through this standard will be informed by the feedback collected through the consultation process and subject to legal review.

Furthermore, it is important to note that limiting warming to 1.5°C—or any other threshold— and reaching net-zero depends not on individual companies or groups but on the collective efforts of state and non-state actors globally. As such, the SBTi is consulting on the suitability of these claims in the context of this standard.

Draft criteria and recommendations


Companies ensure that all claims covered in this standard, including those regarding target achievement, are accurate, verifiable and adhere to high-integrity standards and applicable regulations.

- ✔ - intended outcome of criteria CNZS-C28 through CNZS-C32

6.1 General claims requirements

Currently, the SBTi provides general guidance that companies are required to follow through the SBTi Communications Guide when communicating about commitments or approved science-based targets. However, this is not made explicit within the previous versions of this standard. This draft standard introduces requirements that companies are required to follow to conform to the Corporate Net-Zero Standard.

6.2 Eligible claims before initial validation

Currently most companies enter the ‘SBTi system’ by submitting a commitment letter in which they pledge to set science-based targets within 24 months. The SBTi intends to replace the current commitment process with a more robust Entry Check assessment, where companies wishing to enter the SBTi system are required to conform to the criteria within the standard that apply to this stage. Upon a positive outcome of this Entry Check, companies will be eligible to make certain claims before undergoing the Initial Validation assessment.

6.3 Eligible claims after initial validation

Many companies actively communicate their target ambitions. Once a company's targets have been validated, they are entitled to make a combined ‘ambition claim’ reflecting all targets applicable to them. This standard enables these claims and allows a range of sub-claims permitted for individual targets, depending on the type of target (see Annex H).

6.4 Eligible claims after renewal validation

This revised standard introduces a new process for progress assessment alongside a process for setting new targets through the Renewal Validation assessment stage. To recognize companies for their progress, while also recognising various risks that stem from challenges such as GHG inventory accounting accuracy, the SBTi is proposing ‘conformance claims’ rather than ‘progress claims’ or ‘achievement claims’. Once progress has been validated by the SBTi-designated Validation Body, companies that decide to renew their targets may use a ‘renewal claim’. To ensure consistency, the target renewal claims shall follow the same style, format, logic and wording and the target ambition claims made after the Initial Validation.

6.5 Eligible claims for optional recognition for addressing ongoing emissions

Version 1.2 of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard recommends companies take responsibility for ongoing emissions through BVCM. However, it has not enabled any claims in relation to these efforts. This draft standard proposes additional recognition for companies that address ongoing emissions through BVCM. This addition aims to provide a stronger incentive for companies to take responsibility for ongoing emissions, recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis and the critical need to scale up corporate climate finance.

View the full draft criteria and recommendations in this chapter below. Alternatively, you can download the full consultation draft. You may then respond to the consultation survey

SBTI Claims - Draft criteria and recommendations