The Beta version of the SBTi’s target dashboard shows companies and financial institutions that have set science-based targets, or have committed to developing targets. As a test version, you may find issues which we encourage you to report using this form. You may view the previous version of the target dashboard here.
Important information about the Target Dashboard
Understanding the dashboard
The dashboard shows organizations that have had greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets validated as science-based by the SBTi. It also shows organizations that have committed to set science-based targets, as well as those that have had their commitments removed in accordance with our Commitment Compliance Policy. The information in the dashboard is updated every Thursday, with commitment removals taking place once a month, ordinarily on the first Thursday of the month. Data from the dashboard is also available in more detailed form as a .xls download. This updated version of the dashboard was launched as Beta version for testing on May 5th 2023 - you can access the previous version of the dashboard here.
The total number of companies number shown in the summary of the key is a counter of entries in the dashboard, which includes companies whose commitments have been removed.
Expand the key for an explanation of the information in the dashboard.
DISCLAIMER: A validated science-based target represents an entity-specific greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target that has been validated against SBTi’s public standards and assessment metrics. The SBTi does not offer any assurance that a given entity will achieve, or is on track to achieve, its validated science-based target, nor does the validation of a target implicitly endorse or recognize the means chosen by an entity to achieve said target. A validated science-based target covers only GHG reduction targets and should not be used to claim an entity is making other climate or sustainability related impacts beyond the future GHG reduction target.
Our Target Dashboard table is currently being updated. You can
download this XLS data