Science-based targets give companies a clearly-defined path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C. They define how much and how quickly a business must reduce its emissions to be in line with the Paris Agreement goals.

Learn more about science-based targets in our Foundations of Science-based Target Setting paper and our Corporate Net-Zero Standard.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with climate science is good for the planet and for businesses.

In a recent We Mean Business survey, more than three quarters (79%) of business leaders agreed that science-based targets (SBTs) keep companies on track to specific timelines. This finding demonstrates the value of SBTs to businesses looking to accelerate their decarbonization efforts.

Organizations with validated science-based targets or commitments to set them are recognized on our website.

The SBTi mobilizes the private sector to take the lead on urgent climate action.

The SBTi enables companies and financial institutions to understand how much and how quickly they must decarbonize to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

We enable them to tackle global warming.

Action is needed in key sectors, many of which require tailored approaches to setting targets. The SBTi provides clarity and guidance for these sectors, including forest, land and agriculture (FLAG), steel, cement, maritime, finance and more.

In 2021 the SBTi launched the world's first Corporate Net-Zero Standard, to ensure that companies’ net-zero targets are consistent with what is required to achieve net-zero no later than 2050.

We appreciate your interest in engaging with and promoting the Science Based Targets initiative. We encourage you to use and promote the free resources and tools available on our website.

If you’re interested in learning more or getting engaged, we encourage you to do so through a few defined paths.

The SBTi holds regular public consultations about new guidance or tools or significant updates to existing resources. Any interested party is encouraged to participate in these consultations and details on how to take part are made publicly available.

We also convene project-specific Expert Advisory Groups where experts can help shape our standards and bring in a wide range of skills, experience and approaches.

Finally, we encourage you to subscribe to our mailing list, which is the best way to stay up-to-date on the latest project updates and public consultations. Feel free to also connect with us on X and LinkedIn.

The SBTi’s conflict of interest policy is publicly available here.

The SBTi receives three different sources of funding:

  • Core funding
  • Project-specific funding for time-limited projects to develop new sector guidance or update specific standards
  • Validation service fees to recover the cost of running our target validation service

If the SBTi enters into Agreements with any company funding a project in which the SBTi is involved, or providing pro-bono support, this agreement will provide sufficient safeguards to ensure that such projects are carried out in accordance with industry best practice, including the requirement that all substantive decision-making related to such project is taken independently by the SBTi.

All corporate funders of sector projects are disclosed on the specific sector pages along with any other companies participating in the project.

You can find e-Learning courses on setting near-term and net-zero science-based targets on the UN Global Compact Academy.

SBTi also posts webinars and learning events covering our standards and guidance on our YouTube channel. For updates on upcoming events, join our mailing list.


Yes, companies can and are encouraged to set targets using the SBTi's Corporate Net-Zero Standard - the world's first Standard for science-based corporate net-zero targets.

SMEs may also set net-zero targets.

The Financial Institution Net-Zero Standard is under development.

The SBTi offer comprehensive guidance for companies setting science-based targets and support committed companies to understand which resources are available and appropriate for their needs. This includes guidance for specific sectors and wide range of tools and resources.

Once companies have reviewed these, they need to choose an appropriate approach and methodology to set their science-based target.

Companies can also browse the SBTi's case studies and YouTube channel (including recordings of relevant webinars) for guidance in the target-setting journey. To stay up-to-date on the latest resources, events and other developments, companies are encouraged to join the SBTi's mailing list and follow on X and LinkedIn.

For a more detailed overview of how to develop and submit your target for validation, including the guidance available, please see the Procedure for Validation of Targets and Getting Started Guide.

Thank you for your interest in supporting companies to develop science-based targets. As climate science evolves and frequently requires the SBTi to update materials and resources, we do not help develop, review, endorse or certify any third party tools. However, the resources that the SBTi uses to assess companies’ science-based targets are publicly available - see below. All tools to create science-based targets should be developed using these resources, and the resources should be reviewed at least every three months to ensure continued alignment. While you are free to use our resources to develop target setting tools, you may not include the SBTi logo on your tool or promotional materials without permission, nor claim endorsement, certification or approval by the SBTi.

Currently, companies in all sectors apart from oil and gas can set science-based targets, aligned with the SBTi criteria.

Most sectors will use one of two methods for developing their science-based targets: the Absolute Contraction Approach (used by four out of five companies with approved science-based targets) or the Sectoral Decarbonization Approach (SDA).

Unless your sector is listed below, please see page three of our how-to guide to learn which methodology your company should use, according to your sector and other criteria.

For some sectors / industries, separate sector-specific methodologies, frameworks and requirements have been developed:

We encourage stakeholders to participate in the consultation processes for additional sector-specific guidance and methods:

(Please note, companies in these sectors can already set targets using our existing methods, with the exception of oil and gas)

Enabling science-based emissions reductions for fossil fuel companies is complex and the SBTi is taking a cautious and deliberate approach. As always, our aim is to develop robust methodologies that will support decarbonization at the pace and scale required by science.

Due to the developing status of our method, in addition to the existing SBTi policy to pause the validation of fossil fuel sector targets, we are also pausing commitments from these companies. During this period, commitments will not be accepted from companies or subsidiaries in category 1.1 This policy is effective immediately and removal of previous commitments by oil and gas sector companies has been completed.

The SBTi reserves the right to remove other committed companies that, after careful evaluation, are considered to fall within category 1 below. Companies subject to this policy with targets that were approved prior to the policy's implementation will remain valid for five years from the approval date.

1. Companies that cannot commit to the SBTi until the oil and gas method is finalized.

  • 1.1 Companies with any level of direct involvement in exploration, extraction, mining and/or production of oil, natural gas, coal or other fossil fuels, irrespective of percentage revenue generated by these activities, i.e. including, but not limited to, integrated oil and gas companies, integrated gas companies, exploration and production pure players, refining and marketing pure players, oil products distributors, gas distributors and retailers and traditional oil and gas service companies (except as noted in category 2 below).

2. Companies that can join the SBTi

  • 2.1 Companies that derive less than 50% of revenue from a) sale, transmission and distribution of fossil fuels, or b) providing equipment or services to fossil fuel companies (see 1.1).
  • 2.2 Companies with less than 5% revenue from fossil fuel assets (e.g. coal mine, lignite mine, etc.) for extraction activities with commercial purposes.
  • 2.3 Electric utilities that mine coal for their own power generation.
  • 2.4 Subsidiaries of fossil fuel companies (see 1.1) may join the SBTi if the subsidiary itself is not considered a fossil fuel company.

    SBTi has discretion to evaluate the eligibility of fossil fuel company subsidiaries on a case-by-case basis based on the subsidiaries’ operational model and relevance of its emissions to the parent organization. Subsidiaries that are established for the sole purpose of setting an SBT on a portion of a fossil fuel companies’ GHG inventory are not permitted to join SBTi.

    For transparency, subsidiaries who set targets but whose parent companies are ineligible will be identified via a footnote in their target wording.

In summary, the SBTi is continuing work on the oil and gas methodology. Until this method is final, the following will be put in place:

  • Companies that fit category 1 with commitments will be removed from the SBTi target dashboard
  • The SBTi will no longer accept commitments and/or validate targets for companies that fit category 1

This policy will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it is aligned with the latest SBTi position. Please see our latest release on Oil and Gas Sector guidance here. For any questions, contact the team at OGSector@sciencebasedtargets.org.

Policy change log

  • 07/19/2022 - policy updated to clarify approach regarding subsidiaries of fossil fuel companies
  • 04/19/2022 - policy updated to improve clarity
  • 03/07/2022 - policy update published

As per Near-Term C22 of the SBTi Criteria Assessment Indicators all companies involved in the sale, transmit or distribution of natural gas and/or other fossil fuels products shall set near-term and long-term scope 3 targets for the “use of sold products” category that are at a minimum consistent with the level of decarbonization required to keep global temperature increase to 1.5°C, irrespective of the share of these emissions compared to the total scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions of the company, company's sector classification, or whether fossil fuel sale/distribution is the company's primary business. Customer engagement targets as described in C19 are not eligible for this criterion.

More guidance is detailed in C23 on the 50% revenue threshold for companies with fossil fuel activities.

For other outstanding questions please contact OGsector@sciencebasedtargets.org.

In March 2022, the SBTi enforced a temporary pause on the validation of targets from automakers. This pause was lifted on 20th March 2024. The publication of the Land Transport Guidance includes a new method for automakers to set 1.5°C emissions reduction targets. For the first time, this guidance aligns automakers’ largest source of emissions - scope 3 category 11 ‘use phase’ i.e. those from driving sold vehicles - with 1.5°C.

For any questions contact transport@sciencebasedtargets.org

We have launched a pathway for the power sector, allowing electric utilities to set science-based targets aligned with 1.5°C. Power sector companies must follow this pathway when setting science-based targets.

Dozens of power generation companies from around 20 countries worldwide already have approved targets or commitments. Join them today - commit to setting a target and use our guidance to develop and submit a target for approval:

The majority of companies setting new targets (after 15 July 2022) are only accepted if they are consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

Existing targets in line with well-below 2°C or 2°C that were set before the new criteria was introduced continue to be valid. Companies in the finance sector can also still set science-based targets in line with well-below 2°C, but an ambition update has been proposed. See the finance sector page for more information.

To use the SME validation route, organizations must meet the eligibility criteria, outlined below. Eligibility will be confirmed during the registration stage:

SMEs must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Have <10,000 tCO2e across scope 1 and location-based scope 2
  2. Are not classified in the Financial Institutions (FIs) and Oil & Gas (O&G) Sectors
  3. Are not required to set targets using sector-specific criteria (such as the Sectoral Decarbonization Approaches) developed by the SBTi, except for entities in mandatory FLAG sectors, which are addressed in the section below (see the SBTi’s sector guidance documents for requirements)
  4. Are not a subsidiary of a parent company whose combined businesses fall into the corporate validation route

In addition, three or more of the following must be true:

  1. Employ <250 employees
  2. Turnover of <€50 million
  3. Total assets of <€25 million
  4. Are not in a mandatory FLAG sector*

The values above are aligned with CSRD.

* Companies in mandatory FLAG sectors that meet all other SME criteria are allowed to use the SME validation route. See Criterion 1 of the FLAG Guidance for details of the mandatory FLAG sectors.

SBTi Services is the wholly owned subsidiary of its parent, the Science Based Targets initiative, which develops standards for businesses to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with science.

SBTi Services is the distinct target validation entity. Organizations develop science-based targets using the Science Based Targets initiative’s standards and guidance, then submit them to SBTi Services for validation. SBTi Services then assesses if the organization’s targets align with the Science Based Targets initiative’s standards.

If the targets are in conformance, they are validated and published on the Science Based Targets initiative's website as ‘Targets set.’ If they are not in conformance, SBTi Services provides feedback to the company to support them to re-submit.

The Science Based Targets initiative develops the standards and guidance for businesses to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with science, including establishing policies, procedures, and leading the underlying research.

If you have a question about the Science Based Target initiative its standards and guidance, visit https://sciencebasedtargets.org/contact

If you have a question relating to the validation of targets or validation services, please visit https://sbtiservices.com/contactus

SBTi Services is the wholly owned subsidiary of its parent, the Science Based Targets initiative, which develops standards for businesses to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with science.

SBTi Services is the distinct target validation entity. Organizations develop science-based targets using the Science Based Targets initiative’s standards and guidance, then submit them to SBTi Services for validation. SBTi Services then assesses if the organization’s targets align with the Science Based Targets initiative’s standards.

If the targets are in conformance, they are validated and published on the Science Based Targets initiative's website as ‘Targets set.’ If they are not in conformance, SBTi Services provides feedback to the company to support them to re-submit.


Once companies have reviewed the relevant resources, they need to choose an appropriate approach and methodology to set their science-based target.

There are two approaches companies can use for setting a science-based target for their scope 1 and 2 emissions:

  1. Sector-based approach
  2. Absolute-based approach

Learn more about the target-setting approaches and methods: "Foundations paper".

Learn more about how these approaches relate to the SBTi criteria.

Companies should not default to the target that is easiest to meet but should instead use the most ambitious decarbonization scenarios and methods that lead to the earliest reductions and the least cumulative emissions. Further, alignment with the latest SBTi criteria is always advised and prevents the need for multiple target updates in the future.

For a more detailed overview of how to develop and submit your target for validation, including the guidance available, please see our Getting Started Guide.

In line with the latest climate science, we strongly encourage companies to commit to the highest level of ambition by setting a net-zero, 1.5°C-aligned target across their value chain.

We strongly encourage companies to commit to the highest level of ambition by setting a 1.5°C-aligned target and committing to net-zero.

For companies with existing SBTs, we invite you to voluntarily boost the ambition level of your current targets by completing this form and align your scopes 1 and 2 ambition, along with scope 3 where relevant, with a 1.5°C pathway. Learn more.

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol categorizes direct and indirect emissions into three broad scopes:

· Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions occur from sources that are owned or controlled by the company, for example, emissions from combustion in owned or controlled boilers, furnaces, vehicles, etc.; emissions from chemical production in owned or controlled process equipment.

· Scope 2: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam.

· Scope 3: Other indirect emissions, such as the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity-related activities (e.g. T&D losses) not covered in Scope 2, outsourced activities, waste disposal, etc.

Science-based targets must cover scopes 1 and 2. For companies whose scope 3 emissions cover more than 40% of their combined scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, targets must cover scope 3.

For guidance on what to include in each scope, please refer to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.

For specific guidance on what to include in scope 2, please refer to GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.

For specific guidance on what to include in Scope 3, please refer to GHG Protocol Scope 3 Guidance.

Please consult the SBTi Criteria Assessment Indicators for further details.

The SBTi offers clear guidance on the timelines businesses must adhere to. It also provides the means for ambitious businesses to go even further and faster.

Base years

When selecting a base year, there are two important considerations.

The first is ensuring your business has verifiable scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions data for this year. That’s because to develop an adequate benchmark, businesses need to provide a clear and accurate greenhouse gas inventory.

The year must also be representative of typical business activity. An unusual year of business activity that does not represent business as usual should not be used. For example, if a business underwent a merger or acquisition, or if an expected extreme weather event or pandemic significantly impacted a company’s usual operations in any given year, then it should not use that base year.

Selecting the right base year helps ensure emissions reduction targets are both ambitious and achievable, which is why it’s important to use the SBTi’s resources to help you pick the right year when setting your targets.

Target years

Near-term targets must have a target year of 5-10 years from the date the target is submitted to the SBTi. Long-term targets must have a target year of 2050 or before.

Only targets submitted in the first half of a calendar year can include the current year in the threshold. For example, companies submitting a near-target by the end of June 2024 can have a target year between 2028 and 2033. Near-targets submitted from July to December 2024 must have a target year between 2029 and 2034.

When selecting target years, it’s important to remember that our guidance outlines the minimum ambition to align with climate science. Many companies go beyond this to choose more ambitious target years. The SBTi welcomes and encourages this.

Companies are able to set near-term scope 3 emission reduction targets using the following methods:

  1. Absolute contraction in line with 1.5°C or well-below 2°C.

  2. Sectoral Decarbonization Approach in line with 1.5°C or well-below 2°C.

  3. Supplier or Customer Engagement Targets.

  4. Economic Intensity Targets.

  5. Physical Intensity Targets.

More details are included in the new version of the criteria.

Yes. Companies and financial institutions may set science-based targets using calendar or fiscal years.

No. However, companies that committed to the SBTi on or after 15 July, 2022 are required to use Version 5 of our criteria which requires alignment with a 1.5°C-pathway for most companies.

You can view definitions of each sector classification and their activities in our Sector Classification Descriptions document.

Companies need to establish a base year to track emissions performance consistently and meaningfully over a target period. Companies that are submitting targets for the first time are encouraged to set the most recent year with available data as the base year. If a company has more detailed data for a previous year, this is acceptable for the validation purposes as long as a most recent year data is also submitted to be assessed for ambition.

The following considerations are important for selecting a base year:

  • Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions data should be accurate and verifiable.

  • Base year emissions should be representative of a company’s typical GHG profile.

  • Targets must cover a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years from the date the target is submitted to the SBTi for validation. The choice of base year must be no earlier than 2015.

  • For targets submitted for an official validation in the first half of 2024, the valid target years are 2028-2033 inclusive. For targets submitted in the second half of 2024, the valid target years are between 2029 and 2034 inclusive.

  • For targets submitted for validation in 2024, the most recent inventory data submitted must be for 2022 at the earliest.

The SBTi requires companies to provide 100% of their GHG emissions for validation. However, for scope 1 and 2, companies may exclude up to 5% of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions combined in the boundary of the inventory and target. For scope 3, companies may exclude a maximum of 5% of emissions from their total scope 3 inventory, and the SBTi requires that at least 67% of the total reported and excluded mandatory scope 3 emissions (see GHGP Corporate Value Chain Scope 3 Standard page 35) are covered under target(s).

Companies are not allowed to exclude certain branches, geographies, business streams, etc. for validation of a science-based target, unless they have the data to justify that this constitutes less than 5%.

The SBTi does not recognize emissions perceived to be “negligible” as a rationale for not reporting them. Even if emissions from certain activities or operations are perceived to be negligible, these emissions still must be quantified and reported in the reporting company’s GHG inventory. This is regardless of whether the reporting company chooses to exclude them or not, as exclusions must also be quantified and reported. Further, unavailability of data is not a valid reason for not reporting emissions.

The following applies to companies that are required to set separate FLAG targets as per FLAG-C1 of the Forest, Land and Agriculture guidance.

Companies with existing science-based targets must submit FLAG targets within six months after the release of the final version of the GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance. Businesses that are required to set a FLAG target and decide to set it after the release of the final version of the GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance, must still commit to no-deforestation upon submission, with a target date no later than December 31, 2025.

Companies without an existing science based target and that are in the process of developing targets, will also be required to set FLAG targets upon submission.

As of April 2023, companies anticipating target recalculation for any reason or companies submitting net-zero targets are required to include FLAG targets.

Please find more information on the FLAG project implementation timelines in this blog post.

The SBTi’s target-setting requirements are based on GHG inventory accounting practices, as specified in the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, Scope 2 Guidance and Value Chain Standard (Scope 3). Avoided emissions fall under a separate accounting system from corporate inventories and therefore do not play a role in emission reduction target-setting or achievement with the SBTi.

The SBTi requires that companies set targets based on emission reductions through direct action within their own boundaries or their value chains.

The use of carbon credits must not be counted as emission reductions toward the progress of companies’ near- or long-term science-based targets. This means that companies cannot purchase carbon credits as a substitute for emission reductions.

For more information on market-based accounting approaches, see What role do market-based accounting approaches play in target-setting with the SBTi?

When it comes to GHG emissions accounting, companies should follow guidance from the experts at the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP). Market-based accounting approaches include the use of certificates conveying emissions attributes that differ from the physical emissions attributes of a company’s activities.

The GHGP allows for market-based accounting for purchased steam, heat, electricity and cooling via the scope 2 market-based accounting approach. The GHGP does not provide guidance for market-based accounting for scope 1 or scope 3 emissions (with the exception of supplier- or customer-provided market-based emissions factors). Therefore, as part of the checks carried out during the target validation process, it is not currently possible for the SBTi to assess whether inventories that include market-based approaches to scope 1 and scope 3 emissions are aligned with the GHGP.

Other uses of market-based instruments, such as book-and-claim, are topics that require further research and clarification.

The SBTi is working with the GHGP to ensure we coordinate on requirements for corporate greenhouse gas inventories. As accounting standards evolve and further research is conducted by the SBTi, SBTi resources will be updated to reflect best practice.

As part of the SBTi’s MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification) project, the SBTi is conducting research into how companies achieve their targets and the parameters that should be considered for robust reporting of target progress, delivery and achievement. This research is for investigative purposes, and any updates to SBTi standards are subject to thorough consideration and approval in line with the SBTi’s governance.

The SBTi cannot guarantee support for legacy versions of Microsoft Excel, and recommends that users of its target-setting tools update to the latest version available.

In the event that submitted targets, even if matching or exceeding the output(s) of any of the SBTi's target-setting tools, fall short of the SBTi's ambition requirements, the Target Validation Team may deem the tool an output(s) to be erroneous. The tool output does not override target assessment criteria, and the validation team may consequently request target adjustment.

The SME target validation route provides several target-setting options:

  1. Near-term targets are absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets that should be achieved by 2030, from a predefined base year. This option incudes setting new targets, or updating existing targets.
  2. Near-term maintenance targets enable companies that have achieved zero scope 1 and/or 2 emissions to sustain their efforts and continuously improve. SMEs choosing this option must follow GHG Protocol standards, report their progress annually, and provide supporting documentation for target validation. Additionally, they can select the maintenance approach that aligns with their specific emissions profile.
  3. Net-zero targets include:
    1. These are comprehensive, absolute reductions in scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions, with a goal to achieve them no later than 2050, from a predefined base year. Additionally, companies with long-term targets must complement them with near-term targets that must be aligned to 1.5°C pathways. Companies opting for long-term net-zero targets over a 5-10 year timeframe (near-term) have the choice of a dedicated Net-Zero only service. This option is also available for companies with existing 1.5°C-aligned near-term targets.
    2. A commitment to offset any remaining emissions: This commitment involves neutralizing any emissions that cannot be reduced, once the long-term science-based target has been successfully achieved.

For more information on SMEs please refer to the Target Validation Application Checklist For Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), SME Criteria Assessment Indicators and SME FAQs.

Yes, even if your company is an SME without scope 1 or scope 2 emissions, you can still use the target-setting options available in the SBTi Validation Portal. This includes the maintenance target option which is exclusive to companies accounting with “0” or nearly “0” scope 1 and/or 2 emissions. These options are designed to accommodate different scenarios and align with specific criteria for setting targets, including for SMEs with varying emission profiles. So, you can make use of these options to establish your science-based targets, provided you meet the applicable eligibility criteria. When reporting progress against its target, your company must indicate that it does not emit scope 1 emissions or scope 2 emissions and provide documentation that confirms "0" emissions in scope 1 and/or 2. Additionally, your company must explain how it achieved “0” or nearly “0” emissions and outline the strategies it plans to implement to maintain such low levels of emissions. It must report scope 1 or scope 2 emissions as part of the target progress reporting if these emissions start being generated during the target period.

The SME validation route does not require scope 3 targets for near-term targets; however, SMEs using this route must commit to measure and reduce their scope 3 emissions. The SME validation route does not prevent SMEs from setting ambitious scope 3 targets and communicating them on their websites or other public channels; however, these will not be validated by SBTi Services.

However, scope 3 targets are required if SMEs set net-zero targets. Net-zero targets for SMEs include absolute reductions in scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 emissions. This allows SMEs to address and reduce emissions associated with their value chain and indirect activities.


If your company already has an emissions reduction target, please submit an SBTi commitment letter to join the initiative and commit to having your existing target independently validated against our of SBTi Criteria Assessment Indicators.

Alternatively, your company could skip the commitment phase and move directly to submitting a target for validation.

Aware of the need for robust frameworks to be able to monitor, report and assess progress against voluntary climate targets in the corporate sector, the SBTi is conducting research to identify current best practices and critical topics to measure progress and to assess progress against targets in a robust and standardized way.

Meanwhile, companies should report their company-wide GHG emissions and progress against targets through annual reports, sustainability reports, the company’s website, and/or disclosure through CDP’s annual questionnaire.

To ensure targets remain aligned with the most recent climate science, companies will be required to review if targets meet SBTi criteria, and if necessary update and revalidate, their targets every five years from the date of the original target approval.

This criteria was first introduced in 2019, with the first round of mandatory reviews in 2025. Companies shall follow the most recent applicable criteria at the time of submission. For example, any companies with a well below 2 degree scope 1 & 2 target, would need to align with a 1.5 degree ambition, as a result of this mandatory five year review.

For companies with targets validated in 2020 or earlier, companies have until December 31, 2025 to submit an updated target if a target update or resubmission is required, following their review.

Please refer to NT C26 and NZ C32 in the SBTi Criteria Assessment Indicators for more information.

For the latest about what to expect during the target validation process, please refer to the Procedure for the Validation of SBTi targets. All the latest SBTi target setting tools and submission forms can be found in the SBTi Resource Library.

Companies should publicly disclose their emissions inventory and progress against their targets. Recommendations include annual reports, sustainability reports, the company’s website, and/or disclosure through CDP’s annual questionnaire. Please see our guidance on CDP disclosure for more information.

The Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign ran between June 2019 to October 2021. Companies that committed to set science-based targets as part of the campaign had 24 months to fulfill, and net-zero commitments had an additional extension to January 31 2024. The campaign helped shape the benchmark for climate leadership, shifting the focus from 2°C and well-below 2°C emissions reduction trajectories towards 1.5°C.

There are a number of scenarios where a target may need to be recalculated. The most common causes include acquisitions, divestments or mergers and adjustment to calculation methodologies resulting in significant changes to the GHG inventory. Please refer to NT C27 and NZ C32 in the Corporate Near-Term Criteria, the Corporate Net-Zero Standard, and the SBTi's Criteria Assessment Indicators for a complete list of instances where this can occur.

Companies should follow the following steps to understand whether their target(s) need to be recalculated:

  1. Assess if the changes in the GHG inventory represent 5% or more of base year emissions. If this threshold is met or exceeded, then proceed to step 2
  2. Recalculate the company's base year emissions (also known as rebaseline). Companies should update their base year retrospectively to account for the significant change in accordance with the GHG Protocol. Please note that GHG Protocol sets out two methods for updating your baseline: “fixed base year” and “rolling base year”. SBTi does not allow companies to set targets using rolling base years as this does not allow companies to track year on year progress.
  3. Review their existing, approved target(s) and assess if they are affected by the base year emissions recalculation.
  4. The affected target(s) must be assessed to be in line with SBTi criteria. For example, do targets still meet the minimum ambition and coverage requirements?
    1. If yes —> the company does not need to submit for a formal target(s) update to the SBTi. In this instance if the base year remains the same, as well as the target ambition, method and target year, then the company is simply updating its base year emissions.
    2. If no —> the company needs to update their target(s), and book a target update service for revalidation. This would be subject to the latest version of the SBTi criteria at the time of submission.

SBTi encourages companies to maintain their existing base year, but acknowledges that in some instances this may no longer be representative of business activities, or historic data may not be available. If necessary, companies can select a new base year which represents current business activities and has verifiable data. Companies should then resubmit their affected target(s) to the SBTi, as the targets have significantly changed. During the validation process, companies are requested to provide clear evidence for the reasons for selecting a new base year.

If a company goes through a target resubmission, they can also reassess and update their target methods. Please note the submission must be in line with the latest SBTi criteria at the time of the submission.

If your company acquires a new business or divests from a business line, keep your target. One of the benefits of using absolute-based targets is that the level of ambition is not affected. You will need to adjust your base year emissions to include the new organizational boundary and track progress consistently. According to the SME Criteria Assesment Indicators NT C27, targets shall be recalculated and revalidated when significant changes occur that could compromise the existing target. The following changes shall trigger a target recalculation:

  1. Changes in eligibility for the SME validation route
  2. Changes in the consolidation approach chosen for the greenhouse gas inventory
  3. Significant changes to emissions of exclusions in the inventory or target boundary
  4. Significant changes in company structure and activities (e.g. acquisition, divestiture, merger).
  5. Adjustments to data sources or calculation methodologies resulting in significant changes to an organization’s total base year emissions or the target boundary base year emissions (e.g. discovery of significant errors or a number of cumulative errors that are collectively significant).
  6. Other significant changes to projections or assumptions used in setting the science-based targets.

Companies shall apply a significance threshold of 5% or less. For base year emissions, a change of 5% in an organization's total base year emissions would trigger a base year emissions recalculation. A change of 5% or more in the base year emissions covered within a target boundary would trigger a target recalculation.*

If a significant change occurs and the company’s target(s) no longer meet SBTi criteria, then the target(s) shall be recalculated and revalidated. Companies shall follow the most recent applicable criteria at the time of resubmission.

For more information on base year recalculations please consult the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.

If your entity is no longer meets the SBTi's definition of an SME, the approved target will remain valid. However, if you wish to resubmit or update your target, your new submission must follow our latest SME criteria. If your entity is reclassified as a Corporate, you will need to follow the corporate target setting route and requirements. According to the SME Criteria Assessment Indicators N27 and Criteria V.51 C26, targets should be recalculated as needed to ensure their relevance and consistency.


Treating all commercially sensitive data we receive from companies as confidential allows us to access more detailed information than is available publicly. Which, in turn, enables a more accurate assessment of a company’s science-based target.

Companies are encouraged to communicate about their targets or commitments, but you must follow the SBTi's communications guidance, which includes requirements regarding use of the SBTi brand.

The SBTi's Target Dashboard is updated every Thursday. The exact time of publication varies, updates are usually published by 12PM GMT and no later than 5.30PM GMT. Publication of targets and commitments currently pauses at the end of each calendar year, usually between late December and early January.

Information about companies and their targets and commitments is published on the Target Dashboard.

The following information is published after a commitment is made:

1. Company name


3. LEI

4. Headquartered region and location

5. Sector

6. Commitment type

7. Commitment status

8. Commitment deadline

9. Reason for commitment extension or removal

10. Commitment publication date

The following information is added once a target is approved:

11. Full target language

12. Target type, scopes covered, base year, target year and target value

12. Company temperature alignment

13. Target publication date

No. However, we do request that you align with the SBTi communications guidance for companies.

No. However, we do request that you align with the https://sciencebasedtargets.or....

Information about companies and their targets and commitments is published on the Target Dashboard.

The following information is published after a commitment is made:

1. Company name


3. LEI

4. Headquartered region and location

5. Sector

6. Commitment type

7. Commitment status

8. Commitment deadline

9. Reason for commitment extension or removal

10. Commitment publication date

The following information is added once a target is approved:

11. Full target language

12. Target type, scopes covered, base year, target year and target value

12. Company temperature alignment

13. Target publication date

Treating all commercially sensitive data we receive from companies as confidential allows us to access more detailed information than is available publicly. Which, in turn, enables a more accurate assessment of a company’s science-based target.


The SBTi had previously accepted commitments from all companies in which a sector development was underway. The O&G sector was treated similarly to other sectors. However, from the project work carried out thus far it has become apparent that science-based emissions reductions for the O&G sector and broader fossil fuels sectors are complex and the SBTi is taking a cautious and deliberate approach. As always, our aim is to develop robust methodologies that will support decarbonization at the pace and scale required by science.

Yes, the SBTi is continuing work on the O&G sector. Please visit our O&G sector webpage to review recent publication, and see our evaluation report for updates.

For other outstanding questions please contact OGsector@sciencebasedtargets.org.

Full confidence and agreement on the draft methodology was not developed internally and the SBTi sought further input via an external expert review of the methodology, you can read the report here. Please visit our O&G sector webpage for updates and to review recent publications.


Yes, companies with existing commitments were granted extensions if affected by this policy. Automakers with commitments that expire up to six months from the release of the Land Transport Guidance must submit targets within those six months. Companies in this sector with validateda targets will continue to be valid for five years from the date of approval, but are encouraged to recalculate them to increase ambition.