SBTi BVCM Reports: Deep Dive Webinar
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is hosting a webinar, where its Beyond Value Chain Mitigation (BVCM) lead, Scarlett Benson, will provide an overview of two new reports (see recent news announcement):
Above and Beyond: An SBTi report on the design and implementation of BVCM
Raising the Bar: An SBTi report on accelerating corporate adoption of BVCM
The webinar is taking place on 21 March in two timezones:
09:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) / 17:00 China Standard Time (CST): Register now
10:00 Eastern Standard Time (EST) / 15:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): Register now
Scarlett will be joined by speakers from the corporate climate ecosystem.
Session 1 additional speakers:
- Owen Hewlett, Chief Technical Officer at Gold Standard
- Mark Kenber, Executive Director of the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI)
- Eron Bloomgarden, Chief Executive Office of Emergent, which convenes and coordinates the LEAF Coalition
Session 2 additional speakers:
- Owen Hewlett, Chief Technical Officer at Gold Standard
- Mark Kenber, Executive Director of the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI)
- Edwina McKechnie, Executive Vice President Corporate Engagement of Emergent, which convenes and coordinates the LEAF Coalition
The presentation will be followed by a live Q&A session.