Developing the Corporate Net-Zero Standard
The SBTi is undertaking a major revision of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Development of SBTi Standards.
Project Background
The Corporate Net-Zero Standard was initially launched by the SBTi in October 2021 to address the growing need for a common understanding of science-aligned net-zero targets in the corporate sector. Since then, there have been two minor revisions of the standard, V1.1 and V1.2. The SBTi is now undertaking a major revision, which will result in V2.0 of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard.
The SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard V1.2 is the most recent and valid resource for companies to set net-zero aligned science-based targets.
About the Corporate Net-Zero Standard V2.0 Project
The development of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard Version 2.0 revision is being conducted according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Development of SBTi Standards. The update is happening in line with the regular review cycle, as outlined in the SOP, which must happen every two to five years.
The next major output of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard revision will be the draft Standard for consultation, which is expected by the end of 2024. This will be followed by a public consultation. The SBTi invites all stakeholders to participate and contribute their views.
The revised Corporate Net-Zero Standard will come into effect in 2026. No changes to the Standard, nor final decisions regarding its content, will be made before this point. Businesses wishing to set net-zero targets should continue to do so, using the current Corporate Net-Zero Standard V1.2.
The SBTi has four key goals for the revision of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard:
To align with the latest scientific thinking and best practice, such as from the IPCC and the UN Secretary General’s High Level Expert Group on the net zero emissions commitments of non-state entities (HLEG).
To address challenges related to scope 3 target setting and implementation.
To integrate continuous improvement and target delivery.
To improve structure and enhance interoperability with other SBTi standards as well as other relevant external frameworks and standards.
Deliverables of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard V2.0 Project
The deliverables of the SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard V2.0 (excluding research) are:
Final deliverables:
Corporate Net-Zero Standard V2.0
Updated Corporate Target-Setting Tool(s)
Criteria assessment indicators
Interim deliverables:
Public Consultation Draft Standard
Public Consultation Feedback Report
Pilot Testing Feedback Report
Basis for Conclusions Report
The SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard V2.0 Project involves a significant number of inter-related research projects, including revision of target-setting emission pathways and methods, review of the scope 3 target-setting framework, research to assess target achievement (initially focused on scope 1 and 2), and a call for evidence on the effectiveness of Environmental Attribute Certificates (EACs) in corporate climate targets.
Technical outputs published on July 30th 2024:
Scope 3 discussion paper: A discussion paper setting out the SBTi’s initial thinking on potential changes being explored around scope 3 target setting, including underlying principles and concepts. The paper is informative by nature and does not propose draft requirements or criteria.
Evidence received on the effectiveness of Environmental Attribute Certificates: The release of all evidence received as part of the open call on the effectiveness of Environmental Attribute Certificates (without SBTi assessment).
- Synthesis report of evidence on the effectiveness of Environmental Attribute Certificates in corporate climate targets – Part 1: Carbon credits: A report presenting SBTi’s synthesis of the evidence submitted through the call for evidence on the effectiveness of carbon credits in corporate climate targets.
This is the first of the three distinct reports that will be published as outlined in the Terms of Reference; the reports on the other EAC instruments will be published at a later stage.
Findings of independent systematic review on the effectiveness of carbon credits in corporate climate targets: A statement summarizing the assessment conducted by an independent third party on peer-reviewed academic literature on the effectiveness of carbon credits when used as a substitute for direct abatement. The statement summarizes the process followed, findings and limitations of this research exercise. The Annex describes in detail the methodology followed.
Stakeholder Engagement
The revision of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard V2.0 is being conducted by the SBTi. Stakeholder involvement is possible via the following channels:
Project feedback form. Any stakeholder is welcome to submit feedback on documents that have been released over the course of the project.
The SBTi will initiate structured outreach to get further technical input from the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and Scientific Advisory Group (SAG), to support development of the first draft of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard V2.0.
Public consultation. The revision to the Corporate Net-Zero Standard will go through one round of public consultation for a minimum of 60 days. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to submit feedback to the consultation questionnaire via a survey.
Pilot testing. The revision to the Corporate Net-Zero Standard will undergo pilot testing.
These opportunities for stakeholder engagement will be communicated on the SBTi website, newsletter and social media platforms.
Relevant resources can be found below:
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Development of SBTi Standards
Above and Beyond: An SBTi Report on the Design and Implementation of BVCM
Evidence received on the effectiveness of Environmental Attribute Certificates
Findings of independent systematic review on the effectiveness of carbon credits in corporate climate targets and annex
For enquiries about the SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard, email the team at standards@sciencebasedtargets.org.
Subscribe to the SBTi mailing list to receive our newsletters and stay up-to-date on the progress of the project.
In 2019, the SBTi initiated an inclusive, stakeholder-informed process to develop a framework to enable companies to set robust and credible net-zero targets in line with a 1.5°C future.
Version 1 of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard was developed through a balanced, transparent and inclusive stakeholder process. The SBTi proactively engaged with interested individuals and organizations, providing a range of updates and ways to input into the process. This included:
Consultation with the SBTi’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Groups, and a dedicated Net-Zero Expert Advisory Group
Two public consultations reaching over 500 stakeholders
A road-test and pilot involving over 80 companies
Ad-hoc information and consultation sessions including webinars and workshops
Regular updates on the SBTi website
A net-zero newsletter
Expert Advisory Group
The Expert Advisory Group (EAG) for the first version of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard were:
Alexia Kelly, Netflix
Ankita Kumari, Survival International
Anthony Hobley, WEF
Candace Vinke, Verra
Carsten Warnecke, New Climate Institute
Chris Bayliss, Aluminium Stewardship Initiative
Cynthia McHale, Climate Action 100+
Daniel Salter, Amazon
Derik Broekhoff, Stockholm Environment Institute
Doreen Stabinsky, College of the Atlantic
Emily Hickson, B Team
Eveline Speelman, Energy Transitions Commission
Faustine Delasalle, Energy Transitions Commission
Gary Cook, Stand.Earth
Gilles Dufrasne, Carbon Market Watch
Giulio Berruti, BSR
Helen Wiggs Marshall, ShareAction
Jen Austin, High-Level Champions
Jessica Andrews, Net-Zero Asset Owners Alliance
John Revess, WBCSD
Karol Gobczynski, Ikea
Luca de Giovanetti, WBCSD
Michael Hugman, CIFF
Mischa Reppman, Swiss Re
Nafkote Dabi, Oxfam
Owen Hewlett, Gold Standard
Pedro Martins Barata, EDF
Ramiro Fernández, High-Level Champions / Fundacion Avina
Rasmus Valanko, We Mean Business
Richard Batten, JLL
Robert Höglund
Roy Vissers, DSM
Salla Sulasuo, DSM
Stephan Singer, Climate Action Network
Thomas Lingard, Unilever
Tom Hale, Oxford University
Valentina Lira, Viña Concha y Toro
Road test
More than 80 companies road-tested the target validation criteria and guidance for the SBTi’s Corporate Net-Zero Standard V1 over six-weeks in 2021. This helped us inform the development of robust, clear and practical net-zero criteria, guidance and target setting tools. It also helped identify challenges for adoption and implementation of the standard across industries.
The road test focused on criteria and methods for setting near- and long-term science-based targets which aim to reduce value-chain emissions in line with the science.
Companies that either already had SBTi-validated science-based targets aligned to 1.5°C or had committed to the SBTi's Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign were invited to take part in the road test. From the companies that applied, the SBTi selected those aiming for diversity in region, sector and emissions profile.
- ab inbev
- A.P. Moller-Maersk
- AstraZeneca
- Baluarte Cultura
- Bayer AG
- Bloomberg LP
- BMW Group
- Bonava
- Boston Consulting Group
- Capgemini SE
- Colgate Palmolive Company
- Co-op
- CVS Health
- Danone
- Dentsu International
- Deutsche Telekom AG
- easyJet
- EDF Group
- EDP Energias de Portugal
- Elopak
- Emira Property Fund
- Enel S.p.A.
- Ferrovial
- FLSmidth A/S
- Givaudan
- Globant
- Guidehouse
- Holcim Ltd.
- Informa
- International Consolidated Airlines Group (IAG)
- Jacobs
- Kesko Corporation
- Lenovo
- Magyar Telekom Plc.
- Mahindra Lifespace Developers Limited
- Mars
- McCain Foods
- Moody's
- Multiplex Construction Europe
- Ørsted
- Outokumpu Oy
- PepsiCo
- Pfizer Inc.
- Pilgrim's UK
- Ralph Lauren Corporation
- Rolls-Royce plc
- Slaughter and May
- Sodexo
- Sopra Steria Group
- Starbucks
- Swire Properties Limited
- Swiss Re
- Telenor ASA
- Transurban
- Tubacex
- Unilever
- Veritas Technologies
- Volkswagen
- WayCarbon
- Wipro Ltd
- Worley
- WSP Global Inc.
Public consultation
Two public consultations were held.
The first public consultation on the draft SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Criteria V1 was conducted between January and March 2021. Over 400 respondents contributed their views, helping to further refine the Corporate Net-Zero Criteria.
The Net-Zero Pre-Launch Public Consultation was open for comment from 20 September until 6 October 2021. More than 150 participants helped to refine our resources before the launch of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard on 28 October 2021. The consultation aimed to:
Collect input from external stakeholders on the clarity of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard materials
Understand and build support for the SBTi’s future direction
Identify areas of improvement
Development resources
Developed by the SBTi in 2020, this paper aimed to provide a conceptual foundation for setting and assessing corporate net-zero targets based on robust climate science. It explored the scientific literature that informs how the global economy can reach a state of net-zero emissions within the biophysical limits of the planet and in line with societal climate and sustainability goals.
Additional languages:
SBTi Net-Zero Manual and Criteria for Pre-Launch Public Consultation
Getting Started Guide for the SBTi Net-Zero Standard for Pre-Launch Public Consultation
Pre-Launch public consultation webinar:
- SBTi Net-Zero Standard Criteria Draft for Public Consultation
- Key Questions that were put to Public Consultation
- Net-Zero Criteria Draft for Public Consultation Feedback Report
- Net-Zero Criteria Draft for Public Consultation Feedback Report - Summary
Over 80 companies road-tested the Net-Zero Standard between 15 July and 31 August 2021.
- SBTi Net-Zero Criteria for Road Test
- SBTi Net-Zero Road Test Welcome Pack
- SBTi Net-Zero Corporate Manual for Road Test
- How-To Guide for the SBTi's Net-Zero Standard for Road Test
- Road Test Launch Webinar Slides
Road Test Workshop Slides:
- Road Test Feedback Report: This report details the feedback from the Net-Zero Standard road test survey which the SBTi used to refine criteria and guidance in advance of the launch of the Net-Zero Standard.
- Pre-Launch Public Consultation Feedback Report: This report details the feedback from the pre-launch public consultation survey which the SBTi used to refine criteria and guidance in advance of the launch of the Net-Zero Standard.
Please note that these videos were developed for the first public consultation after which guidance may have changed significantly and therefore should only be used as reference.
View the full playlist or go to individual videos below:
- Business Ambition for 1.5°C: Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions
- Towards a Science-Based Approach to Climate Neutrality in the Corporate Sector by the Science Based Targets initiative and CDP (September 2019)
- UN Global Compact Academy E-learning Course on Science-Based Targets