Set a target

For scheduled maintenance and system improvements, new submissions for Commitments, Corporate, SME, or Financial Institution targets will be paused from 1 October until 29 October. Find out more.

Register online and submit a letter to commit to setting a science-based target, or to having your existing targets independently verified.

If your company is intending to submit via the streamlined Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) validation route, please skip this step and proceed to step 3. Companies are eligible for the streamlined SME route if all criteria points are met:

  1. Have <10,000 tCO2e across scope 1 and location-based scope 2
  2. Are not classified in the Financial Institutions (FIs) and Oil & Gas (O&G) Sectors*
  3. Are not required to set targets using sector-specific criteria (such as the Sectoral Decarbonization Approaches) developed by the SBTi (see the SBTi’s sector guidance documents for requirements)
  4. Are not a subsidiary of a parent company whose combined businesses fall into the standard validation route

And three or more are true:

  1. Employ <250 employees**
  2. Turnover of <€50 million**
  3. Total assets of <€25 million**
  4. Are not in a mandatory FLAG sector***

*Mandatory FLAG sector companies that meet all other criteria are not affected by this criterion. Please see the second set of eligibility criteria if you operate in a FLAG sector.

**CSRD alignment. The turnover and total asset figures were updated in December 2023 in line with the latest CSRD definitions and thresholds for SMEs.

***See Criterion 1 of the FLAG Guidance

Develop your target(s) in line with our current science-based criteria.

For scheduled maintenance and system improvements, new submissions for Commitments, Corporate, SME, or Financial Institution targets will be paused from 1 October until 29 October. Find out more.

Submit your target for validation.

  • Complete the relevant forms for your organization and target type:

Near-Term Targets: Submit the SBTi Corporate Target Submission Form and Corporate Near-Term Tool.

Net-Zero Targets: Submit the SBTi Corporate Target Submission Form and Corporate Net-Zero Tool.

Target Update: To update or edit previously approved targets, fill in the SBTi Corporate Target Submission Form.

FLAG Targets: Submit the FLAG Annex I and SBTi FLAG Tool in addition to your standard submission form.

Financial Institutions:

SME Targets: Use the route for Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and prepare by referencing our Target Validation Application Checklist for SMEs.

Announce your target and inform your stakeholders.

  • Once we have approved your target, we will publish it on our website in our Target Dashboard.
  • We publish targets on a weekly basis one month after their validation, unless otherwise instructed. Your target must be made public within six months of validation, or it will require revalidation to ensure it is in line with the latest science-based criteria.
  • Your company will receive a welcome pack with advice on how to communicate your new target.

Disclose progress made towards your science-based target.

  • Following approval, companies are required to disclose emissions annually and monitor progress on reaching their target.
  • Recommendations for reporting include disclosure through CDP, annual reports, sustainability reports and your company’s website.
  • Refer to Annex D of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard for guidance.