We Need You: Help Shape the SBTi’s Financial Institutions Net-Zero Standard

24th Jul 2024

Experts from the finance sector, academia and civil society worldwide are being called upon to review and give feedback on the Draft Financial Institutions Net-Zero (FINZ) Standard. The public consultation survey will be open until September 30th. Additionally, on August 22nd, the SBTi will host a global webinar to walkthrough the FINZ Draft and answer questions from stakeholders.

The SBTi is carrying out a rigorous, thorough and transparent FINZ development process, including research, engagement with expert advisory groups, public consultation and pilot testing. The process started before the publication of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Development of SBTi Standards, which sets out how SBTi Standards are developed. In accordance with the SOP, the SBTi is now working to adhere to these requirements where possible for this current development.

The SBTi has also issued a separate call for financial institution participants to pilot the Draft FINZ Standard. Those interested in participating should complete the FINZ Standard - Consultation Draft Pilot Testing Application Form no later than August 9th. The pilot test will run parallel to the public consultation and will be used to inform the final version of the FINZ Standard.

In 2023, the SBTi received 139 responses to a public consultation on an initial draft version of the FINZ Standard. Since then, it has reviewed the feedback, carried out additional research and updated the draft standard accordingly.

Contents of the Draft FINZ Standard

The Draft FINZ Standard is built around five outcomes for Financial Institutions (FIs) with five corresponding sections that are under consultation:


Draft FINZ Standard Section

Draft Requirements and Recommendations

Robust climate governance

Entity level: Organizational Commitments and Leadership

  • A clear, comprehensive, and strategic plan to achieve net-zero

  • Comprehensive assessment of all relevant financial activities

  • Policies that drive transformation consistent with reaching net-zero

Comprehensive assessment of climate impacts

GHG Accounting: Exposure and Portfolio Emissions

  • Establish portfolio GHG emissions inventories that are continuously improved over time

Climate alignment of relevant financial activities

Portfolio Climate-Alignment Targets

  • Scale up financial activities towards climate solutions

  • Quantify and track the share of portfolio holdings that are aligning or aligned with global climate goals

  • Prioritize action on emission intensive activities, eventually directing all financial flows to entities and activities that have achieved net-zero

Climate emission-intensive activities

Emission-intensive Sector Targets

  • Map, disclose and minimize exposure to climate critical activities, including fossil fuels

  • Immediately cease new financial flows to multiple types of fossil fuel projects and entities, ultimately incentivizing long-term phase out plans

  • Ensure financial flows and insurance underwriting for key emissions-intensive activities are compatible with 1.5°C

Transparency and reporting


  • Clear and comprehensive annual reporting

  • Robust and transparent ambition and progress

FI Near-Term (FINT) Criteria and Draft FINZ Standard

There are already 120 FIs with validated near-term science-based targets in line with the SBTi’s FI Near-Term (FINT) Criteria. To enable FIs to set both near- and long-term targets aligned with net-zero, the Draft FINZ Standard builds upon FINT in multiple ways.

Compared to the existing near-term criteria, the Draft FINZ Standard extends the scope of the framework to enable new target setting options for a wider set of financial activities, including insurance underwriting and capital market activities. It also enables FIs to set long-term net-zero targets on top of their existing near-term science-based targets.

The Draft FINZ Standard incorporates new and expanded approaches to near-term targets which are intended to address existing challenges and make SBTi finance standards more interoperable with the wider climate finance ecosystem.

Once finalized, approved and fully implemented, the FINZ Standard is expected to replace the current FINT Criteria. FIs setting targets for the first time or going through a re-validation process are subject to the Criteria or Standard that is valid at the time of submission. In the meantime, FIs are encouraged to use the FINT Criteria to set near-term targets for SBTi validation.

Next Steps

Following the public consultation and pilot testing, the SBTi will review and consider the feedback received and make adjustments to the Draft FINZ Standard. Once updated, the Draft FINZ Standard will be presented to the Technical Council for review and approval. The Project Team will also provide a summary of the development process to date, including key issues raised and how they were addressed.

After it’s approved by the Technical Council, the Board of Trustees will consider the standard for formal adoption. If approved, the final FINZ Standard will be published for use.

To stay informed on the latest FINZ developments, sign up to our newsletter and follow the SBTi on LinkedIn and X (formerly known as Twitter).

This article was updated on September 9th 2024 with an extended public consultation deadline.