Practical guide for the definition of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in line with climate science
19th Apr 2017
Paris: The Global Compact France and Compta Durable publish today their Practical Guide for the definition of greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in line with climate science.
The Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) is a collaboration between CDP, World Resources Institute (WRI), WWF, and the United Nations Global Compact to engage and support companies in defining greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets in line with climate science-. The Global Compact France and Compta Durable partnered to publish the first guide on this subject in French: the Practical guide for the definition of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in line with climate science – The Science Based Targets initiative. This original publication deciphers the methods proposed by the SBTi and offers testimonies of committed companies. The Global Compact France and Compta Durable aim to involve Francophone companies in this initiative, so that they can truly contribute to the success of the Paris Agreement and of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
About Global Compact France
Global Compact France is the second largest network in number of participants of the UN Global Compact, with over 1000 companies and 100 non-profit organisations. Global Compact France aims to mobilise the private sector around human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption and SDGs; helps business to transform their business model: provides a forum for dialogue and collective action. The network offers a stimulating forum tor all kind of companies and nonprofit organisations to initiate, develop and share their corporate social responsibility initiatives.
About Compta Durable
Cornpta Durable is the first French accounting firm exclusively dedicated to the organizations’ overall performance. Our lab designs innovative environmental and social accounting models, whose purpose is to conserve natural, human, and financial capital, independently. Respecting ecological thresholds, carrying capacity, and planetary boundaries are, therefore, at the heart of our approaches. Considering atmospheric capital we arc pleased to rely on the methods recommended by the Science Based Targets initiative.