Draft for Public Comment: Science-based Target Setting Manual
23rd Sep 2015
Download the draft for public comment here.
The Science Based Targets initiative, a joint effort between CDP, UN Global Compact, WWF, and WRI, has released for public comment a draft of the Science-based Target Setting Manual.
This manual provides guidance on setting corporate emissions reduction targets that align with climate science and support the global effort to limit warming to a manageable 2°C. Readers will explore the various steps of setting a GHG emissions reduction target, which include defining the business case, getting internal buy-in and communicating the target to stakeholders. The manual explains the differences between the science-based target setting methods available to companies and outlines a method selection process.
Sustainability managers, executives, and others with interest in this topic can submit feedback to the draft manual via our feedback submission survey here. We will accept responses until November 16, 2015.
Manual Review Webinar
October 6, 2015 at 10am EDT
View the slides.
View the recording.
This webinar will cover the key points of the target setting manual, specifically the business case for setting science-based targets and recommendations for selecting a science-based target setting method. Participants will learn about the process for submitting feedback on the draft.
Manual Review Workshops
The following in-person workshops will be held to allow companies to provide in-person comments on the draft manual. All interested parties are invited to participate. Registration is on a first come, first served basis up to the capacity of each venue and is free of charge.
Mumbai, India
November 5, 2015
More information and register here