CDP, WRI, UN Global Impact and WWF Join Forces to Help Companies Reduce CO2
23rd Sep 2014
New York, NY September 23rd 2014
Four of the largest environmental organizations worldwide are announcing the development of a methodology that will help companies to set targets to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. This methodology will be subject to a period of public consultation starting September 23rd and all companies and relevant stakeholders are invited to participate in the process.
The four organizations are gathering input from a group of experts from the business sector, academia and non-profit sector to develop this new method. The consultation period is open in the spirit of collaborative participation and inclusion in the development of this tool to best reflect the needs and concerns of those who will make use of it.
You can complete the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SectoralDecarbonizationApproach
When the methodology is ready, the leading organizations hope to engage over 100 transnational companies in the adoption of this method, which seeks to contribute towards the goal of keeping global warming to a maximum 2°C temperature rise in the next 50 years.