Workshop: Science Based Targets Apparel and Footwear Sector Guidance

Date: 21 May 2018
Time: 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm America/Vancouver
Location: Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre

WRI is hosting a workshop to gather feedback on the first draft of the science-based target setting guidance for the apparel and footwear sector, the product of roughly six months of engagement with stakeholders.

The workshop will coincide with the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s 2018 Full Member Meeting, but is open to stakeholders from outside the coalition. We hope participants in the Sustainable Apparel Coalition annual meeting will consider arriving early to attend our event.

Workshop objectives include:

– Share key elements of the guidance, including draft recommendations on how to set targets for scope 3 emissions

– Receive initial feedback on the draft guidance

– Discuss stakeholder process to finalize the guidance

– Hear presentations from a few brands that will share their experiences in setting and implementing SBTs

Please register your attendance.