Making Global Goals Local Business – Argentina
Organized by the United Nations Global Compact and Global Compact Network Argentina, Making Global Goals Local Business – Argentina will bring together local and global leaders from business, civil society, Government, Global Compact Local Networks and the United Nations to catalyze collective action and impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a precursor to global discussions on national SDG progress taking place later this year, the event will be an opportunity for business to play an active role as we begin taking stock of progress across Latin America. As a leading example of multi-stakeholder collaboration, Argentina stands as a strong model for others looking to partner at the country-level.Taking place from 25 to 26 April in Buenos Aires, the event will feature:
– Concrete examples illustrating how business, UN and Local Network collaboration is driving local impact on the SDGs
– A review of the progress being made by businesses in Latin America towards sustainable development
– Opportunities for businesses to connect in-person with Local Networks from around the world
– The roll-out of the interactive, digital version of the Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs
– A programmatic focus on three main areas where the UN Global Compact plans to have significant impact throughout 2018: climate action, financing for sustainable development and securing human rights across all businesses