Aligning strategy with 2 å¡ C carbon trajectory- Science Based Targets initiative for business

Start: 17 November 2017 04:30 pm Europe/London
End: 17 November 2016 07:00 pm Europe/London
Location: Marrakech

Event description:

OnåÊNovember 17 16:30 to 19håÊat COP 22 in MarrakechåÊthe United Nations Global Compact and Global Compact France come together and invite you to a conference focused on science-based targets. The agenda for the evening will be,

  • Introduction – Lila Karbassi, UN Global Compact
  • Presentation of carbon objectives alignment methods on scientific knowledge åÊ- Ciprian Ionescu, Accounting Sustainable
  • Questions and answers with participants
  • Testimony companies engaged with SBTi
  • åÊParticipatory workshops with the public
  • åÊConclusion – Charlotte FrÌ©rot, Global Compact France
  • Cocktail

The Science Based TargetsåÊinitiativeåÊ- resulting from a partnership between the UN Global Compact, WWF, the Carbon Disclosure Project, and the World Resources Institute – aims to encourage companies to set targets for reducing emissions of effect greenhouse (GHG) emissions in line with scientific recommendations. More specifically, it is to promote strategies aligned with the required level of decarbonisation to hold the increase in global temperatures below 2 å¡ C above pre-industrial temperatures, as recommended by the IPCC.