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Commitments are normally processed and published on our website within two weeks of submitting the commitment form. Approved targets are published within one month of a company receiving their approval notice via email which will contain a suggested publication date.
Companies may choose to reschedule their publication date to be published on any Thursday within six months of receiving your official target validation notice via email. To do so, please contact communications@sciencebasedtargets.org or respond to your target validation email at least three days in advance of your original publication date.
Approved company commitments and targets are shown on our website Target Dashboard and accompanying data download file. The target wording and publication date are agreed by the company with the SBTi.
The SBTi safeguards other information provided by the company to assess its targets in accordance with the target validation service contract, which companies review and sign before the target validation process begins.
The SBTi publishes information about companies and their targets and commitments on our website.
The following information is published after a commitment is made:
1. Company name
3. LEI
4. Headquartered region and location
5. Sector
6. Commitment type
7. Commitment status
8. Commitment deadline
9. Reason for commitment extension or removal
10. Commitment publication date
The following information is added once a target is approved:
11. Full target language
12. Target type, scopes covered, base year, target year and target value
12. Company temperature alignment
13. Target publication date
No. Once you receive your official commitment or target validation email, you are free to publicly communicate your target or commitment, in line with our communications guidance.
Once a business has submitted a completed submission form and booked a target validation slot, they are welcome to communicate that they have submitted a target to the SBTi for approval. For other guidance on communications at various stages of the SBTi journey, please see the SBTi communications guide for companies and financial institutions taking action.
Companies are encouraged to communicate about their targets or commitments, but you must follow our guidance about this. See our communications guidance for more information.
No. We are happy to answer questions relating to your press release and other communications content, but we do not expect to approve it prior to publication.
However, we do ask that you align with our communications guidance for companies.
Yes. You may reschedule your targets to be published on any Thursday within 6 months of having received your official target validation notice via email. To do so, please reach out to communications@sciencebasedtargets.org no later than 6:00 PM GMT on the Friday prior to your desired/scheduled Thursday publication date.
Companies with validated science-based targets can use SBTi branding, such as our logo and Net-Zero Standard mark. However, it must only be used in close connection with your target. For example, your full target language should be included alongside the logo, or made easily accessible via a link or footnote.
Committed companies must also be committed to the Business Ambition for 1.5°C Campaign, and must use both logos in conjunction with each other. The logos must be included alongside language that clearly explains your commitment status.
More information is available in our communications guidance for companies.
For all other inquiries about use of our logo, contact the communications team at communications@sciencebasedtargets.org