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The target validation process

For scheduled maintenance and system improvements, new submissions for Commitments, Corporate, SME, or Financial Institution targets will be paused from 1 October until 29 October. Target validations, commitment processing, and publications to our Target Dashboard will continue uninterrupted through the whole of October. Only new submissions of commitments and targets will pause.

Submit your information before 1 October to secure a validation slot or review of your commitment or SME target before new submissions are paused for system maintenance. The planned pause of submissions is anticipated to have minimal impact on overall validation timelines.

To submit your targets for validation, complete the relevant forms clearly, completely and accurately as possible. Missing, unclear or erroneous information will result in the validation process being delayed or rejection of the submission.

  1. SBTi Corporate Target Submission Form
  2. FLAG Annex 1
  3. Steel Annex
  4. Streamlined target-setting system for SMEs

Upload completed target submission form via the SBTi target booking system and select an available validation start date. Companies should note that validation may begin earlier than the selected booking date.

On or before the booked date, the SBTi will conduct an initial screening to determine if all necessary information is provided and to assess if the target meets a few basic criteria. After this step is complete, the SBTi will send the validation service contract, which must be signed before the target validation results will be delivered. Section 3 of the target validation protocol provides an overview of each step of the target validation process.

When a company submits a target, the SBTi Target Validation Team thoroughly assesses the target to ensure it is conforms with SBTi Criteria and aligned with climate science. If the target is in conformance, it is validated and marked on our Target Dashboard as ‘Targets set’. If it is not in conformance, the SBTi provides feedback to the company to encourage them to re-submit.

Corporations that are headquartered in developing countries and economies in transition, as defined by the United Nations Secretariat's Department of Economic and Social Affairs, can apply for fee discounts, according to their need. Companies may request a fee discount as part of the target submission application.

The services provided by the SBTi occur at three key steps of the target validation process:

1. The SBTi provides an initial screening to determine that the applicable Target Submission Form submitted by the business is complete.

2. Based on the Target Submissions Form, the SBTi then completes an assessment of the target(s) submitted by the business.

3. Finally, based on the results of the assessment, the SBTi will provide either a target validation report and letter for validated targets, or a decision letter with feedback for rejected targets. The results of the assessment are shared within 30-60 business days, depending on the selected validation service.*

*In order to complete the assessment within 30-60 business days, companies must respond to any queries for further information or clarification sent by the validation team within two business days.

It is important to note that target validation services do not include:

1. Choosing which target setting method is most appropriate or relevant for the company. This depends on each company's business and activities, and must be selected by the business submitting targets.

2. Assistance with emission factors and calculation of emissions across scopes.

The SBTi has a streamlined route for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), defined as a non-subsidiary, independent company which employs fewer than 250 employees and is not a Financial Institution (FI) or Oil & Gas (O&G) company.

Effective January 1st, 2024, the SBTi has updated the definition of an SME. You can find more information in our announcement.

This pathway enables SMEs to bypass the initial stages of committing to set a science-based target and the standard target validation process. SMEs can immediately set a science-based target for their scope 1 and 2 emissions by choosing from one of several predefined target options. Unlike larger companies, the SBTi does not require SMEs to set targets for their scope 3 emissions; however, SMEs must commit to measure and reduce their scope 3 emissions.

The SBTi introduced this expedited option for SMEs because smaller companies often lack the resources and capabilities needed to set scope 3 targets and monitor progress against them. The SBTi’s speedy and simplified approach for SMEs balances the need for them to take account of emissions across their value chains without imposing too great a burden on them.

However, from November 1st 2023, companies classified/qualified as SMEs will be granted the option to submit targets via the standard target validation route for corporates, and contribute to scaling the impact of robust science-based targets globally.

Like larger companies using our standard target validation route, SMEs are required to complete a recent, comprehensive greenhouse gas emissions inventory following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard and Scope 2 Guidance. They are required to publicly report their company-wide scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions inventory and progress against published targets on an annual basis.

Smaller SMEs (<150 employees) in the earlier stages of developing their emissions inventory can use the tools provided by the SME Climate Hub to support the measurement and reporting of emissions.

The SBTi also has a streamlined route net-zero target setting for SMEs, which does include commitments on scope 3 target setting and reduction. SMEs aiming to establish net-zero targets need to submit their Scope 3 emissions accounting adhering to the Scope 3 Calculation Guidance.

Targets submitted through the dedicated route for SMEs will be approved and posted to the SBTi website pending due diligence review and payment. Companies will be sent a communications welcome pack and will be able to use the SBTi logo on their website and in company communications.

If you still have an outstanding question reach out to smes@sciencebasedtargets.org.

If targets are not approved, the company will receive a private email indicating the decision. We will not publicly communicate the fact that a company's target was not approved.

Companies are encouraged to incorporate SBTi feedback and resubmit targets for validation as soon as they are able. For more information on the target validation process, consult our Procedure for Validation of SBTi Targets.

From January 31, 2023, if a company's commitment expires and it has no targets awaiting validation following an unsuccessful submission, the commitment will be listed as 'Removed' on the SBTi Target Dashboard as outlined in our Commitment Compliance Policy.

Approved company commitments and targets are shown on our website Target Dashboard and accompanying data download file. The target wording and publication date are agreed by the company with the SBTi.

The SBTi safeguards other information provided by the company to assess its targets in accordance with the target validation service contract, which companies review and sign before the target validation process begins.

The SBTi publishes information about companies and their targets and commitments on our website.

The following information is published after a commitment is made:

1. Company name


3. LEI

4. Headquartered region and location

5. Sector

6. Commitment type

7. Commitment status

8. Commitment deadline

9. Reason for commitment extension or removal

10. Commitment publication date

The following information is added once a target is approved:

11. Full target language

12. Target type, scopes covered, base year, target year and target value

12. Company temperature alignment

13. Target publication date

You first need to submit your targets for validation in our booking system and select an available validation date. Companies should note that their booking date is the latest that their target validation will begin.

On or before the booked date, the SBTi will conduct an initial screening to determine if all necessary information is provided and to assess if the target meets a few basic criteria. After this step is complete, the SBTi will send the validation service Terms & Conditions, for you to fill in, sign and send back to us. At this time, we can start any vendor setup process your company might need.

Please note we cannot support changes or additions to the T&Cs since they have been tailored specifically for the type of service we provide.

No, since we have a very strict instruction from our General Counsel that we cannot accept any changes to our Terms & Conditions, nor the signing of any document that supersedes them, as they have been tailored specifically for the type of service we provide.

Yes. Please note we cannot support changes or additions to the Terms & Conditions since they have been tailored specifically for the type of service we provide.

Once our administrative team has sent the Terms & Conditions and they have been fully executed, we can start any vendor setup process your company might need.

Once the SBTi Terms & Conditions have been fully executed, we will issue an invoice for your company, which are PDF documents that we will send by email. Invoices must be paid within 30 days from the date they have been issued. Please make sure you reference our invoice number in your payment transaction.

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